More Images of Amitayus

By: Nicole Broida, Cameron Barras, Will Rickards, and Jack Bradley

This iconic bronze statue depicts the Buddha of longevity in the classic virasana pose (legs crossed with heels facing upward) as he sits in meditative repose.  We see the buddha resplendently adorned with flowing silk, several pieces of jewelry, sitting on a platform, holding the trademark vase in his hands, which, according to legend, is said to contain a mystical nectar which grants immortality. Several important things to note are the Buddha's pristine face, which appears young, and the body, which is small and lithe, both alluding to his lack of aging. Other factors worthy of observation are the fact that that the Buddha is not adorned with a crown or halo, and that while his robes are simple, as well as his jewels (which are by no means spartan, but far from excessive), he maintains an aura of importance and holiness. This simplicity and somewhat modesty is in perfect harmony with buddhist teachings; there is nothing over-the-top or gaudy, but the point is made that this is an entity to be regarded with reverence.  Also note the symmetry of the piece, also exemplifying buddhist ideals such as harmony and balance. The statue was made in China during the Ming dynasty, estimated at around the 14th century.

This iconic stone carving of the Buddha of longevity is unique in several ways. The origin is southeastern asian (note the traditional head dress and full-body robes). Several commonalities exist as well; such as the young, expressionless, face and the pose. The pose is virasana (legs crossed with feet and palms facing upward), and, coupled with the pristine face with eyes closed,  it appears the Buddha is absorbed in a meditative state. Particular attention should be paid to the Buddha's robes. Given the fact that stone is difficult to work with, particularly when it comes to sculpting small and intricate pieces, the sculptor has made significant effort to work in other symbolic aspects of Amitayus. Flames rage on the Buddha's chest and upper body, and flowers and what appear to be plant leaves adorn the lower half of his body, with the lotus flower (a very important and sacred image) at the bottom of the statue taking center stage. These engravings serve to give the statue a sense of the supernatural and holy personage of the Buddha.

This iconic silk painting of Amitayus has all the hallmarks outlined in other images. There is a great sense of reverence, in the crown, the platform he sits upon (a lotus flower) ,the halos and the surrounding landscape (which looks heavenly or other-worldly), as well as the lesser figures beneath. His garb is flowing robes, also showing his importance, since they dominate the frame. His pose is virasana, eyes closed as though in meditation. He cradles the vase (of central importance to the canvas space) and its sacred status is easily recognizable. This piece reflects the Buddha's great importance, given his dominance of the frame.